Marlin distrusting Dory's ability to make something good out of a strange situation actually hurts Marlin twice. He only swam out to touch the boat and put himself in danger of getting taken by divers when Marlin intervened. When Nemo's friends swam into open water and goaded him to try, he had no intention of following them. Not believing that Nemo is capable of understanding what's safe and what isn't is what gets him taken away in the first place. #Finding nemo darla movie#
It really seems that the movie wants Marlin to learn this lesson, as he is consistently punished for not believing in people around him.
An Aesop: It's important to put trust in others, because sometimes all you can do to get forward in life is to take a risk and hope for the best. Always a Bigger Fish: Averted in the stinger sequence with the anglerfish. Alluring Anglerfish: Marlin and Dory fall for an anglerfish's lure after they escape the sharks, leading to a tense chase sequence.
The fish that yells, "Oh my gosh! Nemo's swimming out to sea!" is named Kathy. Out of Nemo's classmates, only Sheldon's (the seahorse) name was said. Bruce appears to be this towards the beginning of the movie, but it's revealed that he's actually a Nice Guy. Advertised Extra: For some reason, Bruce and Crush are always shown on just about every piece of promotional material as two of the film's central characters even though their screen time is limited to only a handful of scenes. well, his bubbles in much the same way that Milton is possessive of his stapler. Bubbles (played by Stephen Root) is rather possessive of his. There are a couple of allusions (the song "Beyond the Sea" and the line "That's my boy.") to Albert Brooks in My First Mister. Cregg on The West Wing) announces that the dentist is about to do a root canal, bringing to mind the hilarious West Wing episode "Celestial Navigation". Peach, played by Allison Janney (more famous for playing C.J. The baby jellyfish's sting doesn't bother Marlin because he lives in an anemone and is already used to stings. Sheldon's dad (Bob) calls Marlin Marty. Over the course of the film, she manages to call him Chico, Fabio, Bingo, Harpo, and Elmo. The absent-minded Dory keeps misremembering Nemo's name. I wonder what that means? That's funny, it's spelled just like the word "escape."